Upcoming Missions Trips

Join our next Philippines Mission Trip
Siargao Island
February 28 to March 3, 2025

The mission trip will be in partnership with ESPOIR School Of Life, a non-profit organization that provides free education to underprivileged children at the heart of GK Village, Brgy. Lobogon, Del Carmen in Siargao Island, Philippines. 

The first school is located on Siargao Island.  The site is on a Goad Kalinga (GK) resettlement area, whose community members were identified as landless persons living in danger zones with little to no means to sustain themselves. 

Espoir, “hope” in French, means hope for the children, their families, and the generations to come. Hope starts with the children, with the proper education.

After the mission trip, volunteers will be provided a travel itinerary to enjoy the island.

Please email us at [email protected] with the Subject Line: 2025 Mission Trip to express your interest; we will contact you soon! 

Thank you! 

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